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Wednesday, 29th January 2025

Concerned members table petition to remove ATC director - call for end of sales process

The Save Rosehill group confirmed today that a member petition calling for a General  Meeting to consider and vote on a motion to remove Mr Peter McGauran as an Australian  Turf Club director had been sent to the Club. It represented more than the five per cent threshold of voting members required in order to compel the Board to facilitate such a meeting.  

Save Rosehill said evidence that emerged from the NSW Legislative Council inquiry into the proposed sale of Rosehill Gardens had completely destroyed member confidence in the ATC  Chairman’s leadership. They also called for the process entered into with the NSW  Government to be abandoned. 

The inquiry’s key findings included that there was “conflicting evidence and uncertainty with the financial assumptions behind and the financial viability of the proposal to develop Rosehill  Racecourse.” 

Also, the inquiry not only confirmed that Mr McGauran’s only proposed alternative to Rosehill  Gardens – a racetrack built around the Brick Pit at Sydney Olympic Park – was fanciful, but also that in the (then) six months since the plan was first publicly mooted, the ATC had not even engaged with Sydney Olympic Park Authority to investigate its feasibility. 

Mr McGauran’s claim that the vulnerability of the green and golden bell frog, for which the  Brick Pit is critical habitat, had “eased considerably” was refuted emphatically by Sydney  Olympic Park Authority’s CEO, Carla Armanet. 

Asked by the Committee Chair whether she agreed with Mr McGauran’s claim, Ms Armanet  said: 

“No, it is a high risk, very small population and we are one of the biggest populations in New  South Wales.” 

Ms Armanet’s evidence also addressed a number of serious concerns held by the Committee about a racetrack at Sydney Olympic Park, including the lack of space, the geotechnical stability of the site and the impact on other sensitive environmental areas adjacent to the  Brick Pit. 

In its report, the Select Committee said it “shares the incredulity of a number of witnesses  that the Brick Pit could even have been proposed as an option.” 

Save Rosehill said that there was simply no justification for the ATC to have embarked upon a  MOU to sell the racetrack. 

“No-one disputes that two first class racing tracks in metropolitan Sydney are necessary to sustain a viable thoroughbred racing industry in NSW. It is therefore beyond comprehension  that the ATC Board entered into a MOU to sell Rosehill Gardens, without first having itself 

identified and secured a viable alternative and putting that proposal to members for approval. 

“Also, the excuse that government officials had communicated to ATC officials that the sale of the racetrack in its entirety was necessary to create sufficient housing to merit locating a metro station at Rosehill, as justification for rushing into the MOU, was shown to have no basis in fact,” Save Rosehill spokesperson, Ms Julie Ritchie said. 

The Upper House inquiry also revealed that it was Racing NSW’s intention to deny the club and its members the true value that would accrue from a sale of its only meaningful asset. According to a disclosure by Racing NSW, which was forced by the Upper House Committee, the minutes of Racing NSW’s board meeting held on 21 November 2023, said this about the  proposed sale of Rosehill: 

“Having further considered the matter the Board resolved to endorse the proposal in principle subject to further negotiations with NSW Government. Further, Racing NSW to have oversight  over the majority of the proceeds of the sale after providing a reasonable sum to the ATC (with  a proviso that those funds only be used for racing and racing infrastructure).” 

However, at the ATC’s AGM on Thursday, 28 November 2024, the ATC’s Chair, Mr Peter  McGauran (in response to questioning) was still insisting that the “bulk of the money will come to us” and that Racing NSW would be given some accommodation for rest of the industry.  

Save Rosehill said that the evidence unearthed by the Inquiry showed unequivocally that the  MOU process was a ‘stitch up job,’ designed to disenfranchise ATC members

“There is overwhelming evidence that the best interests of members and the wider racing industry can only be served by a change in leadership at the ATC and the board withdrawing from this highly flawed, controversial and biased process. The Club must regain control of our  own destiny and end this charade now.  

“Members can have no faith that any proposal emerging from this MOU process, concerning either the potential revenue the club would receive or the viability of an alternative to Rosehill  Gardens in metropolitan Sydney, will have any foundation in reality and that is why the process should be halted now,” Ms Ritchie said. 

The Save Rosehill campaign is comprised entirely of ATC members and is supported by many highly respected leaders in the racing industry who are also members of the ATC, including  Julia Ritchie (former AJC Vice Chair), Debbie Kepitis, Matt McGrath (former ATC Chair), Frank  Cook, Greg Kenny (former STC Vice Chair), Neil Werrett, Jason Abrahams and Annette English.  

A number of leading Sydney trainers have already publicly expressed support for the campaign. 

The Australian Turf Club is a company limited by guarantee and is governed by the  Corporations Act (2001), which requires directors conduct a general meeting on the request of members with at least 5% of the votes that may be cast at the general meeting. 

The Select Committee report into the sale of Rosehill is available HERE

Friday, 6th December 2024


The Save Rosehill Group today welcomed the key findings and recommendations of the NSW Legislative Council’s Select Committee Inquiry into the proposal to develop Rosehill Racecourse, including setting up an inquiry into the operations of Racing NSW and a review of the Racing Act.

The Committee found that the manner in which the Government announced the proposal to develop Rosehill Racecourse was in breach of the unsolicited proposals guidelines and referred aspects of the matter to the Independent Commission Against Corruption. 

Save Rosehill’s submission to the inquiry and evidence its members gave highlighted its misgivings about how the proposal came about, how it was communicated by the Government and by the Chair and CEO of the ATC, including that some ATC Board members appeared to publicly and privately endorse the proposal before any due diligence had occurred and before there had been any consultation with the members. The Committee’s findings endorsed and expanded on these misgivings.

Save Rosehill’s submission also highlighted its concern that Racing NSW attempt to divert the majority of the revenue the ATC would be due (if its premier asset were sold) “represents a bid for further consolidation of power and financial resources in the industry on the part of Racing NSW, and denies the central role of clubs in the generation of wagering revenue”. Save Rosehill said it therefore welcomed the Committee’s recommendations that the Legislative Council consider establishing an inquiry into the operations of Racing NSW and that the NSW Government conducts a thorough review of the Thoroughbred Racing Act 1996.

According to a disclosure by Racing NSW to the Upper House inquiry, the minutes of its board meeting held on 21 November 2023 said this about the proposed sale of Rosehill: “Having further considered the matter the Board resolved to endorse the proposal in principle subject to further negotiations with NSW Government. Further, Racing NSW to have oversight over the majority of the proceeds of the sale after providing a reasonable sum to the ATC (with a proviso that those funds only be used for racing and racing infrastructure).“

However, at the ATC’s AGM on Thursday, 28 November 2024, the ATC’s Chair, Mr Peter McGauran (in response to questioning) was still insisting that the “bulk of the money will come to us” and that the ATC would make some accommodation for the industry. Save Rosehill said that the evidence unearthed by the Inquiry showed unequivocally that ATC members could have zero confidence that a government-driven process overseen by Racing NSW was in the best interests of the ATC and its members. The Select Committee also found the Brick Pit site at Homebush was not a viable alternative to Rosehill Gardens saying, “The committee shares the incredulity of a number of witnesses that the Brick Pit could even have been proposed as an option”.

“We believe that there is now overwhelming evidence that the best interests of Australian Turf Club members and the wider racing industry can only be served by the ATC board withdrawing from this highly flawed, controversial and potentially corrupt process,” Ms Julia Ritchie said.

The Save Rosehill campaign is supported by many highly respected leaders in the racing industry who are also members of the ATC, including Julia Ritchie (ATC Vice Chair), Debbie Kepitis, Matt McGrath (former ATC Chair), Frank Cook, Greg Kenny (former STC Vice Chair), Neil Werrett, Annette English, David Walter and Jason Abrahams.

To view the full report, click HERE

For further information:

Gabriel McDowell

+61 417 260918

Monday, 2nd December 2024

ATC Election: A Win for Transparency

The ATC board election was a closely contested affair with the highest voting turnout most members can remember. Annette English secured one of the two spots, with the other one going to Tim Hale by a nose, who has also recently been highly critical of the process to sell Rosehill. Our other candidate, David Walter finished with the 3rd highest vote.

Our thanks to everyone who voted for Annette and David, and we look forward to an opportunity to vote for David at the next ATC election. Also, we look forward to more transparency and accountability from the Board as a result of last week’s election.

Monday, 21st October 2024

Public hearing - Select Committee on the Proposal to Develop Rosehill Racecourse

Evidence given by Kiersten Fishburn, Secretary of the Department of Planning, is well worth listening to because it confirms the Brick Pit at Homebush is not an alternative to any development and questions the narrative of how the total redevelopment of Rosehill Gardens came into play. Evidence given by Terry O’Brien of the Office of Racing confirms its very limited role in any meaningful discussion of strategy in racing’s future and the Premier’s Chief of Staff evidence creates even more questions than answers about how this proposal actually came about.

Watch here

Monday, 11th November 2024

ATC and the future of Rosehill

The future of Rosehill Gardens is the single most important issue impacting the future of thoroughbred racing in NSW, so Save Rosehill is encouraging members to ask ATC Board candidates to be fully explicit about their position on the proposal to sell Rosehill Gardens.  No evidence has yet emerged of a viable alternative to Rosehill Gardens, if it were to be sold for development, and we know that first-class racing in metropolitan Sydney cannot prosper without a second Group-One quality track alongside Royal Randwick.

It is Save Rosehill’s view that the ATC leadership should not have entered into a memorandum of understanding with the NSW government to sell the Club’s most important asset, without first having identified and secured another Group One racetrack in western metropolitan Sydney.  As a consequence, we believe the ATC Board should withdraw from the sales process it is undertaking with the NSW Government.

In the upcoming election, we believe that candidates’ positions on the threat to sell Rosehill should be a threshold issue when members consider their vote.  Save Rosehill is confident that ATC Board candidates Annette English and David Walter understand the vital importance of preserving two Group One racetracks in metropolitan Sydney and are opposed to the sale of Rosehill Gardens if there is a possibility this principle may be compromised. We believe these two candidates possess the necessary governance skills and commercial acumen to contribute to the future of our Club. We respectfully ask you to consider voting for these candidates.

The Save Rosehill campaign is supported by many highly respected leaders in the racing industry who are also members of the ATC, including Julia Ritchie (former AJC Vice Chair), Debbie Kepitis, Matt McGrath (former ATC Chair), Frank Cook, Greg Kenny (former STC Vice Chair), Neil Werrett and Jason Abrahams.

A number of leading Sydney trainers have already publicly expressed support for the campaign.

The Save Rosehill Group submission to the NSW Legislative Council Inquiry is available here:

Please feel free to contact us via if you wish to discuss this.

Monday, 21st October 2024

Public hearing - Select Committee on the Proposal to Develop Rosehill Racecourse

Evidence given by Kiersten Fishburn, Secretary of the Department of Planning, is well worth listening to because it confirms the Brick Pit at Homebush is not an alternative to any development and questions the narrative of how the total redevelopment of Rosehill Gardens came into play. Evidence given by Terry O’Brien of the Office of Racing confirms its very limited role in any meaningful discussion of strategy in racing’s future and the Premier’s Chief of Staff evidence creates even more questions than answers about how this proposal actually came about.

Watch here

Wednesday, 25 September 2024

Sydney Olympic Park Authority CEO rejects ATC's endangered frog assessment

Video evidence by Sydney Olympic Park Authority CEO rejecting ATC Chairman’s assessment of the endangered frogs and why the brick pit’s development potential is so severely limited.

Watch here

Tuesday, 24 September 2024

Errol Chant letter to the Board of the Australian Turf Club

Dear Directors,


I refer to the recent letter to members from Mr. McGauran dated 26th August 2024 sent after evidence was recently given by a range of interested parties at the Parliamentary Inquiry.

A number of serious concerns have emerged from that evidence and Mr. McGauran’s letter including the following:-

Link to the letter.

Monday, 23 September 2024

Special report on a possible contempt in the inquiry into the proposal to develop Rosehill Racecourse

Rosehill inquiry committee asks the NSW Upper House to refer Racing NSW correspondence for investigation because it may constitute a substantial interference with the work of the committee and therefore be a possible contempt.

Link to the proposal.

Former Auditor General Tony Harris written submission about Racing NSW practices

3 June 2024

On 3 June, the Save Rosehill campaign launched and the group released the Press Release below.

15 May 2024

On the 15 May, the NSW Upper House voted to hold an inquiry into the proposal to sell off Rosehill.

Latest News

Dear Member

Herewith for your consideration is a request to the Directors of Australian Turf Club Limited to call and arrange a General Meeting of Members for the purpose of removing Peter McGauran as a director of ATC.

You are encouraged to favourable review the attached request and then to complete it at your earliest convenience in the manner indicated, sign it and return it to by email to or by post to the following address:

Save Rosehill
PO Box 315
Rosebery NSW 1445